Inclusion and SEND
At Patcham Infant School and Nursery, we are proud of our strong reputation and vast experience in enabling children with a wide range of learning and physical delays, difficulties and disabilities to succeed academically and socially.
Patcham Infants welcomes all children equally to our school and believe that we all benefit from learning and playing together in a proactively inclusive community. We hold high aspirations for all our children, whatever their starting point or challenges in learning and development. We know that with the right support and the right attitude children can make progress and their potential is neither fixed nor known. We promote growth-mindset and value children's efforts over levels of attainment.
We believe that to become a truly 'inclusive' school- a school in which all children and all families, whatever their needs, feel equally welcome and valued and receive exactly the support they need- is a challenging goal towards which we continue to strive with utter commitment.
What is SEND?
Many children will need extra help and support with their learning during their time with us, but this does not necessarily mean that they have a Special Educational Need or Disability (SEND).
Children and young people have SEND if they:
>Have a significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of others of the same age
>Have a disability which prevents or hinders them from using the facilities generally provided in mainstream schools or colleges.
Special provision must be made for children and young people with SEND. Sometimes this may only be for a short time and sometimes support will be needed for the whole of someone’s life.
Provision for the majority of pupils with Special Needs will be made by the class teacher supported by the Inclusion Leader. We have a systematic approach to Special Needs following the S.E.N Code of Practice. This staged approach is a continuous and systematic cycle of assessment, planning, interaction and review. We also enlist support from external agencies when necessary.
Who to contact if you need help or support with SEND
If you have any further questions you can contact Michelle Doyle the Inclusion Leader, via the school office- 01273 509 766.
What do we have to offer?
Patcham Infant School and Nursery offers a wide range of support to children with additional needs and SEND. Information about this support is published in the 'Our School' section of the website under the tab ‘Statuary Information’ >‘SEND Information’. This SEND Information Report is designed to answer some of the most frequently asked questions about the school and special educational needs. All schools must now publish this information clearly on their websites so that parents and carers can access information about SEND support in schools all over the city. This city-wide SEND support information from schools forms part of Brighton & Hove’s SEND ‘local offer’ for children and families
The purpose of our SEND Information Report is to inform parents and carers about:
>How we welcome children with special educational needs and/or disabilities into our school;
>How we support them in all aspects of school life and remove barriers to achievement;
>How we work in close partnership with parents/carers and children;
>How we make effective provision for all of our children with special educational needs and disabilities – SEN/D.
It is presented as a series of FAQ’s.
We keep our SEN Information Report under review.
The SEN Information Report is updated annually and was last updated March 2023.
Please see our SEN policy to find more detail about our day to day procedures.
Useful links for SEND family support and information:
Amaze is a charity that offers information, advice and support to parents and carers of children and young people with special needs and disabilities in Brighton & Hove.
Amaze is an independent charity whose work with parent / carers and is funded from a variety of sources: Brighton and Hove City Council, health services, grants and donations and dedicated fundraising activities such as the Brighton Marathon and the BIG Cheer Comedy night.
Amaze can support parents who feel their children with SEND are not being well supported by a school; they can support parents through the process of applying for an EHCP; they have wide knowledge of all services available in Brighton & Hove and also organize events themselves. Many Patcham Infant parents/carers have found their support invaluable.
01273 772289
Mind in Brighton and Hove works to promote good mental health in our city and across Sussex. It seeks to empower people to lead a full life as part of their local community.
Early Help
Often when one person in a family has a problem, it will affect other people in the family. Early Help brings together professionals who will work with the whole family to try to make things improve for everyone.
Carers Centre
Provide services for carers to help them cope with their situation, get the support to which they are entitled, and to participate in the community of our city
Dialogue families plus
YMCA Dialogue has been delivering counselling and therapy to children and young people since 1994.
Winston’s Wish
A bereavement charity supporting grieving children and families. They are the UK’s first childhood bereavement charity and have been supporting grieving children and young people since 1992. Winston’s Wish provides emotional and practical bereavement support to children, young people and those who care for them. Their expert teams offer one off and ongoing bereavement support and also provide online resources, specialist publications and training for professionals.
All Sorts Youth Page
Allsorts is a project based in Brighton to support and empower young people under 26 who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans or unsure (LGBTU) of their sexual orientation and/or gender identity.
Information about autism
Information about DCD (dyspraxia)
Sussex Mental Health Support
If you're feeling low or struggling to cope, text SUSSEX to 85258 for free, confidential support at any time of day or night. This
service, in partnership with Shout, is anonymous and won't show up on your phone bill.
#mentalhealthsupport #mentalhealthsussex